Daddy teases Mommy about how much time she spends on the computer, going through her hundreds of photos and editing the best ones. Here is one of 70-some photos Mommy took of me in the snow the other day. This is the original photo, also known as SOOC (Straight Out of Camera) shot. Sometimes an image will be good enough to not have to edit, but more often than not, a "good" photo will have some editing applied to it.

After some skin smoothing and overall sharpening of the image, Mommy will either boost some color and vignette the photo, or apply an "action" in Photoshop Elements. This is the action she chose for this photo: Pioneer Woman Soft Faded.
Just for fun, here is the same photo with some different actions applied. This is "Cashmere" from the Florabella Collection.

70's action from Pioneer Woman.