Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Renegade Flower Girl Turns a Corner on her Flower Girl Gigs...

Look! I'm now a flower girl who can follow a wedding photographer's directions! Two years ago I was a renegade flower girl who screamed in the church and refused to walk down the aisle. Well, that was the old days, my friends. I have turned the corner on the whole flower girl job.

Austin and I posed standing still...

Walking hand in hand down the lane...

I giggled when the photographer told me to kiss Austin's cheek. He cooperated nicely...

We skipped...(with my hair all askew...)

And then I got to pose with the princess of the day: Cousin Carly. Big Alice and Little Alice.

Congratulations to the beautiful bride and groom! Your wedding couldn't have been more perfect!

Cheers to many, many years of happiness!