We took a trip to Montana to see friends and family. Mommy and Daddy spent a day up in Glacier National Park. This is at Many Glacier with Mount Gould in the background.

Mommy had her 20-yr class reunion and got to see old friends. This is her childhood friend and college roommate, Lea, hiking the Cracker Lake trail in Glacier. The beautiful blue glacial lake is in the background.

I love playing the organ at Nana's house.

And "checking my email" (playing alphabet games on starfall.com!)

I played tball with my cousins.

I also spent a lot of time RUNNING around the sprawling lawns at my cousin Brianna's wedding and rehearsal.

I played with my cousins Grant & Elle.

And threw rocks in the river during wedding rehearsal with Auntie Barbie.

Daddy and I walking to the wedding reception at the Rocking TJ Ranch in Bozeman.

My cousin Austin and I are both "adventurous!"

Hanging with the Morgans

Posing with my beautiful girls Barbie and Lauren

Nana Montana

We love Montana!