Great Gramma Evelyn went to heaven last week. She was 98 years old. We remembered her life today with a memorial service and family gathering at Aunt Kathi's.

More than anything, Gramma Evelyn loved holding her grandbabies. This is me just three weeks old at 5 lbs, snuggling with her at Christmas.
It looks like Gramma is telling me a story in this picture.

She loved to laugh.

This is Gramma Evelyn in 1914 at age 2. The coat she is wearing would later be worn and passed down to many of her great grand daughters.

Here's my turn wearing Gramma Evelyn's special coat.

A couple of birthdays ago, I helped her blow out the candle on her birthday cake.

Although I was a little afraid to sit on her lap or give her hugs and kisses, she would happily sit beside me and watch me play.

We'll always remember Gramma Evelyn with a baby in her arms.

We love you, Gramma Evelyn!